Atomic Design
Atomic Design, what is it and what are its advanta...

Atomic Design, what is it and what are its advantages? By Luz Aida Torres Sierra, Product Designer at Financial Solutions Although its name sounds like a super powe, it is not something that can be acquired by being exposed to radiation. Atomic Design is a

Software Testing Automation
Steps for software testing automation

Steps for software testing automation By Pablo Hernández Castillo, Automation Tester at Financial Solutions Performing testing during software development is very common, always with the goal of delivering quality in what we are creating. Test automation doesn’t seek to replace manual testing, but we must

UI/ UX Design: Differences and how they complement...

UI/ UX Design: Differences and how they complement each other By Gabriela Escoto Orozco UX/UI at Financial Solutions UI Design and UX Design are two of the most confusing and combined terms in web and application design, this is understandable, they are usually placed together